Hi, everyone! I'm Kisaya Rayne, the founder of Belly Dance MetroWest. We've got some great things coming your way, and a new class for fall of 2018, our Drills and Techniques class, where we're going to be focusing on refining our movements and how to make each move look truly tribal. It's shaping up to be a fun season!
As we creep on into the year, this is going to be the place to check out for news, updates, and events. I'll be posting about the kinds of things we're doing in class, as well as putting out new information on things to come. Winter tends to be a slower month for performers, but as we roll around to the new year I'll be adding new events as they come available.
So remember to bookmark this page and check in frequently. This is where it's all going to be happening, folks! And, as always, if you've got any questions, comments, or ideas for topics you'd like us to cover, feel free to drop us a line!